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Gimp Viewer Download

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  1. Gimp 2.10 Download
  2. Gimp 2.8 Download
  3. Gimp Viewer Download Windows 10

These links download the official GIMP installer for Windows (140-150 MB). The installer contains both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of GIMP, and will automatically use the appropriate one. BitTorrent is a peer-to-peer file sharing system.

PGEI downloads and install the extension at once. The Photoshop GIMP Extensions Installer installs Beautify quickly and easily for you. Download the 'Photoshop GIMP Extensions Installer' 2. Choose a version of your suite and select Beautify 3. Click on 'Install Beautify' 4. Restart GIMP 2.8/2.10. GIMP is a cross-platform image editor available for GNU/Linux, OS X, Windows and more operating systems. It is free software, you can change its source code and distribute your changes. Whether you are a graphic designer, photographer, illustrator, or scientist, GIMP provides you with sophisticated tools to get your job done. G'MIC (an acronym for GREYC's Magic for Image Computing) is a free, cross-platform, open-source framework for image processing. G'MIC is also known as a powerful GIMP, Krita, and Paint.NET Plugin that allows you to add and make use of over 500 free extra filter effects.

Note for Windows Users: This page is for installation help for the Unix version of GIMP. If you need help with the installation of Windows GIMP, see the GIMP for Windows page.


Main Requirements¶

Well, it is necessary to have a C compiler and related tools to compile and install the source package. For the most part, GCC is recommended, but a lot of effort has gone into making GIMP compile with as many compilers as possible. Scam o matic.

A fair amount of disk space is needed too. For a full build with debugging, at least 200 megs free is recomended. Without debugging and with static libs turned off, GIMP can be compiled in 20-30 megs of space. This will vary depending on architecture of course. A full GIMP install including all the gimp-data packs can be 20 megs or more.

A full compile of the stable version takes 1-2 hours on a PPro 200 or K-6 200 with 64 megs of RAM. On a P4 or Athlon with 256 megs of RAM, a build can take 20-30 minutes. In general, expect about 3-4 times as long as a Linux kernel 2.2 compile (for GNU/Linux systems of course). In other words, its a long compile. That's what 300,000+ lines of code get you.

Stable version (2.2.x)¶

  • A recent version of pkg-config is needed and you can grab them at
  • GTK+ 2.4.4 or better (Gimp Toolkit). The GIMP toolkit can be found at 2.4.4 also needs the following packages. (Either the version listed or newer)
    • GLib 2.4.5
    • Pango 1.4.0
    • ATK
  • PangoFT2 a Pango backend that uses FreeType2 (Make sure you have FreeType2 installed before installing Pango). Downloads can be found at
  • libart2 Grab the module libart_lgpl out of GNOMECVS or fetch the tarball from

GIMP Compilation and Installation¶

After grabbing the GIMP distribution, you are ready to compile and install. The main site for the latest offical GIMP distribution is but you should consider using one of the mirrors listed on the download page.

GIMP makes use of the Gimp Toolkit (GTK+) and other libraries that must be installed first. Look in Requirements above to find out more.

Compile as a normal user using: ./configure && make and then as root make install

If all goes well, a good while later, you will have a brand spanking new GIMP to play with. Unfortunately, it has been rumored that it isn't always that easy. So, here are a few common problems and some solutions …

For some more specific info, you may want to read the INSTALL file from the main GIMP distribution.

Other Packages¶

Print plug-in does not compile¶

Starting with version 1.2.4, the print plug-in depends on libgimpprint, which is now distributed as a separate package. The previous versions of GIMP (up to 1.2.3) included all files as part of the GIMP distribution, but you should now download and install libgimpprint 4.2.6 separately from the Gimp-Print site:

Once the lib is compiled and installed, run ldconfig as root and the print plug-in should compile. Jaksta video converter 2 1 1.

JPEG plug-in does not compile¶

The jpeg plug-in requires the jpeg library. If you don't have it installed or you have a very old version, then you need to get a recent jpeg library. The places to look are: Archive download for pc.

Once the lib is compiled and installed, run ldconfig as root and the jpeg plug-in should compile.

TIFF plug-in does not compile¶

The tiff plug-in requires the tiff library. See the jpeg problem mentioned above. Same deal, different lib. The places to look are at:

Once the lib is compiled and installed, run ldconfig as root and the tiff plug-in should compile.

PNG plug-in does not compile¶

The png plug-in requires libpng and libz (zlib). See the jpeg problem mentioned above. Same deal, different lib. The places to look are at:

Once the lib is compiled and installed, run ldconfig as root and the png plug-in should compile.

XPM plug-in does not compile¶

The xpm plug-in requires the xpm library. See the jpeg problem above. Same deal, different lib. The places to look are at:

I have no SVG support¶

SVG support requires at least version 2.2 of the rsvg library from This can be found at:

Gimp viewer download free

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Hi! This post was written as extra info for folks reading my book, How to GIMP so It's got a lot of extra information about what RAW files are and why you would want to use them.

But if you just want to know how to work with RAW files as a GIMP user, this post will be helpful for you too.

Skip to the sections you're interested using these links, or read the whole post to take it all in.

What's RAW and why should I use it?

How A Camera Records Light

When your digital camera takes a picture, it's really just recording the light that hits its sensor. In some ways, the camera physically limits or transforms that light. The lens aperture limits the amount of light that hits the sensor and determines how much of the scene is in focus. The shutter speed also limits the amount of light hitting the sensor, and effects whether moving objects blur or stay sharp. Those physical limits are set in stone as soon as you snap the photo.

But, there are a lot of ways in which your camera interprets the light that hits its sensor that aren't a matter of physical limitations.

Here's an example: The white balance of a picture isn't a matter of a physical transformation of light, but the the camera decides what color to render pixels in the photo based on its interpretation of the scene. Whether you chose a white balance setting like 'daylight', or 'cloudy', or let the camera guess the light by setting the white balance to 'auto', the camera will do its best to make everything the right color.

Why JPG's Are Hard To Post Process

When your camera records a JPEG photo, the way your camera decided the light should be transformed into pixels is locked into that JPEG. It doesn't contain any information about the way the light was hitting the sensor when you hit the shutter button. It's just a collection of 'dumb' pixels.

Sure, you can use something like GIMP or Photoshop to adjust the pixels in your JPEG. But if you've ever tried to brighten super dark shadows in a photo only to end up with an indistinct blob of gray, you know that those dumb pixels are missing a lot of critical information. If pixels in the shadow of your image are totally black, no amount of adjustment is going to bring details back because GIMP and Photoshop don't know anything about what was actually in the shadow. It just sees a group of black pixels that you want to make lighter. Hence, the gray blob.

But a RAW file is totally different. It's literally the raw information about the light that your camera recorded with very little interpretation imposed.

The RAW file also contains information about the settings in your camera when you took the photo, so when you open it in a RAW editor you can see the way the photo would look as you shot it. But all of the information the camera had about the light hitting the sensor in that moment is in there too. What that means for you is that you can open that same photo in a RAW editor and literally change the white balance of the photo after you've taken it.

Taking pictures in the RAW format opens up a lot of opportunities. You can change white balance after you take the picture to make colors more accurate, and you can adjust the exposure of the image really easily. The best part is, these changes are non-destructive. You can go back to the original at any time.

The original RAW file itself is never really edited. Instead, the changes you make in a RAW editor (like UFRAW, Adobe Camera RAW, or RAWTherapee) are stored in a ‘side car' file. This file tells the RAW editing program what settings to apply every time you open the RAW file, but it doesn't permanently apply the settings until you export the file to a format like JPG. Even then, the original RAW file is still untouched.

In fact, if you delete the RAW Sidecar file, the RAW image will go back to its original state when you open it in the RAW editor, because there's nothing to tell the RAW editor which settings should be applied. Because changes to RAW images are only stored in a side car file, you can go back and re-edit the original RAW file at any time without loss of image quality.

Can GIMP handle RAW photos? How GIMP users can take advantage of RAW.

Can you use RAW files as a GIMP user? Yes.

Can you work with RAW files directly in GIMP? No.

In order to work with images you shot in a RAW format in GIMP, you'll need a RAW converter to first change them to something that GIMP can read, like TIFF or JPG. Best phone emulator games.

That's not a GIMP quirk, it's a RAW quirk. Even if you were using Photoshop, you would have to first work with the file in something like Adobe Camera RAW, and then convert the file to something like a JPEG or a TIFF that Photoshop can recognize to continue working on it.

Adobe has been busy making its whole ecosystem more connected, so it really feels like you can just open a RAW file in Photoshop. You're going to miss out on that seamless experience in GIMP. But you definitely still can use RAW files if you're a GIMP user. You just have to process them first with a RAW processor/converter program.

Once you convert the RAW file to a JPG or TIFF, those settings from the sidecar are permanently applied to that JPEG or TIFF file. When you open the photo in GIMP, it will recognize the image just like any other JPG or TIFF. You can't exactly undo the changes you locked into the JPG or TIFF, but the original RAW file and sidecar file will still be on your system just in case you want to tweak the settings, or even start over.

Free RAW converters to use with GIMP

If your camera can shoot RAW photos, it may have come with RAW conversion software. If it did, I recommend using that software for your RAW editing process. But, if your camera didn't come with this software, there are some free options available. One of these options is called UFRAW, and it's designed to work with GIMP.

How to install a free RAW converter

For Mac

Good news everyone! If you downloaded GIMP from this site UFRAW may have come with your GIMP installation. If that's the case, you won't have to do anything. To check if you've already got UFRAW installed on your computer, follow these steps:

  • Open GIMP.
  • Go to File > Open in the Main Menu. The Open window will pop up.
  • Navigate to any RAW image file you have, highlight it, and click Open.
  • If a funky looking window opens up with your picture in it (looks like the image above), you already have UFRAW installed.

If you get a warning that you can't open the RAW file with GIMP, you will need to install a separate RAW converter.

Another free option is RAWTherapee. You can find the download here, and instructions on using it here.

Gimp 2.10 Download

Once you download RAWTherapee, double click the ZIP file to open it, then open the DMG file to run the automatic installer. You can drag the RawTherapee icon into your Applications folder to keep RAWTherapee handy when you need it.

For PC

  • Make sure you have GIMP installed.
  • Open the package, and follow the instillation instructions.
  • Now, open GIMP, and go to File > Open in the Main Menu.
  • Navigate to any RAW file, highlight it, and click Open.
  • Your RAW image will open in a new, funky looking window. That's UFRAW. Now you can start editing!

Gimp 2.8 Download

How to Use UFRAW

Gimp Viewer Download Windows 10

There are a ton of options and controls in this UFRAW window. It's such a powerful tool, I could easily write a book on just UFRAW! Thankfully, there's already some pretty good documentation available. So, instead of re-writing all of it here, I'll send you to the UFRAW Users Guide for more information on how to use it.

Have Fun! And let me know if you have any issues. I can't offer official support for UFRAW, but I can try to help in some cases, or direct you to someone else who can help more.

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